Life in Ladakh is completely different from life in other part of India, for a people who have know idea what is Leh ladakh, I had written complete information on this blog post, “leh ladakh

As ladakh consist of two district, Leh and Kargil, In this blog post, I will focus only on leh district which has majority buddhist people,

Have you ever wonder what is like to live in ladakh or curious about life in ladakh? As someone who has live all his life in Ladakh, I can tell you how is it like, living in ladakh or life in ladakh.

While it may comes as a dream comes true for some and it may also comes as a culture shock of course in a good way. From the food, culture to weather, it is completely different from the rest of the country.

Leh Ladakh which is famous for its aesthetic landscape, rich culture, buddhist monasteries, highest motorable road in the world and most important, constantly ranked top in terms of safety for a female solo bikers.

Living in ladakh or travelling to ladakh which has such a quite and peaceful enviroment is a perfect place for getting away from a hustle and bustle of a cities and much better for someone who want to introspect.

Economy of leh ladakh: life in ladakh

Like i mention above, life in ladakh is completely different because ladakh was an Independent kingdom till 1684 according the wikipedia and became a part of India in 1947 and was open or connected by road to mainland india or tourist only in 1974 , because of it isolation region Ladakh manage to preserve their rich tradition, culture and customs for a long time and we should know that Ladakh is the few place on earth which has manage to preserve things as old as 11 century.

Ladakh economy was mainly dependent on agriculture until late 1980, until when there was a recruitment in Army, ladakh economy was shifted toward employment in army. when ladakh become accessible through road, plane, these rise in tourist leads to generation of employment related to service industry this is mostly related to tourist place,

While a huge chunk of ladakhi work as a still work as a farmer but the number is declining day by day with the availibality of power round the clock and high internet speed many youth are looking and working as a content creater, content writer, freelancer and some even decided to start a startup which is nothing less than a miracle for a small town high up in himalaya.

Connectivity to Leh Ladakh: life in ladakh

With more than 5 flight per day in winter to maximum 15 flight per day in summer, today ladakh has hyper connect to world, You can also travel to ladakh by road but due to the high altitude of ladakh, one has to cross multiple passes and these passes are usually blocked during the winter for high snowfall. I have a written a detail blog on, “how to reach leh ladakh” multiple options

Food and languages in leh ladakh: life in ladakh

Food is the heart of any culture, Since leh ladakh has a high influences of tibetan buddhism, you will see similiarty in the food and culture between leh ladakhi and tibetan. There are some food which is native to ladakh like, “chutayi” “skyu” both are more like a pasta with different vegetables or meat as per your preference. Like food languages is the soul of the culture, Most leh ladakhi people speak, “ladakhi” and almost of all them are some proficient in hindi and in English.

Adding more soon

By No Mad

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