10 things to do in leh city

Leh which is the Capital of Ladakh region, is located in the northern most part of India, Ladakh has a population of around 3 lakh with Leh town has a population of around 20,000 thousands.

Leh is one of the main station if you want to visit and is well connect with other parts of India like Delhi by Air.

Leh Airport is Just a 5-15 min drive from most hotels, So here i bought 10 things to do while you are in Leh city

Leh Main Market

Leh Main Market is the soul of the city after the recent beautification of leh market which propose for car free in the market area makes it safe to roam even for a kids,

The Pavement are clean and the whole market or street is nicely lit which makes it pleasant for a evening walk too.

With the abundant of Cafes, Restaurant and the shopping store, You will get enough choice to eat and drink ranging from Korean to american

In summer, Walk to the end point of the market and you will see a lots of local farmer selling fresh and organic Apple and Apricot.


Shanti Stupa

is one of the most visited tourist place in leh city, lies on the top of a mountain to the western side of leh, This is a great place to watch sun rising and evening.

High altitude of this tourist place let you have a pananomic view of the leh city. Far toward the south west you will also get a peak view and the far distance village from this point.


Leh Palace:

This is yet another place to visit, You will get a gorgeous view from the point. This nine storey palace was built by the   king of ladakh, If you like to walk then you can reach this palace a narrow street from the left side of the market.

You also drive to this place from the upper bus stand.


War memorial at the airport: 

It is a more like a museum which located on the Leh Srinagar just couple of Kilometre from the Leh Min airport toward the south, It is a war memorial of the Indo Pak war which has turn in Museum.

You will get the ticket from there, The building comprises of two storey and you will be able to see and learn more about the war and its stuff in the form of memorial


Shashi Bridge

It is a new built bridge on the Indus River which you can reach going toward the agling which is situated to the South west of Leh, Although it is little windy it is a nice place to photograph and overall vibe of the place.



Zorawar Fort is a fort in which is a few kilometres from the city centre of Leh Ladakh, more specifically Just a Half Kilometre from the city main chow toward the west on GHH Hospital road,  it was built in 1836 for Zorawar Singh, Fort has a lot of preserve things like coin and postage stamp of that time.



Just a city tour in a local bus,

If you want to check local transport and want to go like a local, go the upper bus stop and look for ageing bus service, this local bus drive to aging and which drive make to the same spot in around an hour but make sure to pay both side fare.


NDS stadium or Synthetic track and football ground

NDS stadium is located almost at the city centre, You will see a one big chowk and move it toward the left and you are good to go

If you are a sport mania, it’s a good place to hangout, You can watch any ongoing match or if you want to roam like a local you go to the Synthetic track which is on the way of leh Srinagar highway a few kilometre after War Memorial which is located near the airport.


Spituk view point

Just a  9 kilometre drive to the south of leh, Yo will see a monastery directly from the highway and Just adjacent to the spituk monastery, there is a huge place which you can sit and watch airplane land or take off due to its high altitude, it almost look like it is right infront of you.

Visting for monastery is mostly any hour but just for a plane landing and take off view, we recommend to visit this around 9am to 12pm.



By No Mad

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